One Simple Trick for Dealing with Defiance Positively + Conscious Parenting Masterclass
Hey there,
We’ve all had those days—you ask your child to do something simple and suddenly you're in the middle of a power struggle.
It’s exhausting, isn't it? And the usual tools, like bribes or threats, don’t really feel good for anyone involved.
But what if we could approach defiance in a way that leaves both you and your child feeling more connected?
In today’s article, we dig into a fresh perspective on handling those moments—one that helps you guide your child through their feelings without making the situation worse. Here, take a look.
Want more help to deal with defiance in your family? Then, check out our latest FREE training!
Conscious Parenting Masterclass
Our featured masterclass this week is the Conscious Parenting Masterclass with Dr. Shefali Tsabary based on the book The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children.
Dr. Shefali is a New York Times best-selling author whose extensive work on conscious parenting has been endorsed by Oprah as life-changing and revolutionary. Dr. Shefali is a leader in the field of mindfulness psychology and is renowned for the unique ways in which she blends clinical psychology and Eastern mindfulness.
In this masterclass Dr. Shefali shares with us:
what conscious parenting is
explore how a lot of us parent unconsciously most of the time
understand how our ego impacts our parenting
dive into how we can accept our child unconditionally
and so much more.
This masterclass is for you if you are ready to leave behind the pain and suffering that is meshed into the fabric of our being, and dive into some deep inner work.
🆕Don't Want to Be a Member?Watch Just This Masterclass! (This non-renewing 1-week pass allows you to watch this featured masterclass, or download the audio version to listen while commuting, exercising or doing chores!)
Alright, that's it for today. Until next time, go be thebestparent, andthebestperson you can be!
Talk soon, Sumitha
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