Dealing With the “I WANT” Monster Positively + "Getting Kids to Listen" Q&A with Julie King
Hey there,
I'm sure many of you are familiar with today's topic - the "I WANT" monster.
At 16, my daughter already has more "stuff" than all the things my two sisters and I had combined, over the span of our entire childhood. And yet, every time she sees something new and shiny, the "I WANT" monster immediately comes out... armed with big pleading puppy eyes, pouty lips and a whiny voice.
I am a borderline minimalist. And oh, how the "I WANT" monster used to trigger the worst in me!
We've tried a lot of different things and the one thing that finally worked for us is the tip #5 that Malinda shares in today's article. The monster is mostly under control at the moment... there may be hope for us still 🙂
We are hosting a Q&A call about "Getting Kids to Listen" with Julie King this Thursday (Oct 17th) at 1pm ET / 12pm CT / 10am PT.
Come and ask Julie any questions you have about managing defiance, getting kids to listen and problem solving effectively.
Julie is the co-author of two popular books "How To Talk So LITTLE Kids Will Listen" and "How to Talk When Kids Won't Listen". She has been educating and supporting parents and professionals since 1995 and has conducted countless workshops based on both her books, as well as the classic predecessor "How To Talk So Kids Will Listen, And Listen So Kids Will Talk".
Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to chat one-on-one with Julie, and get answers to your specific questions!
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Alright, that's it for today. Until next time, go be thebestparent, andthebestperson you can be!
Talk soon, Sumitha
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