How to Create the Perfect Calm-Down Corner + Reducing Negative Thinking Masterclass
Hey there,
Have you heard of the idea of a "Calm-down corner" but aren’t sure how to use it effectively?
Or maybe you've tried setting one up, and it didn't work as well as you hoped? 😪
Or perhaps you actively use one, and want to learn tips for making it more effective?
Whichever the case we have you covered!
In today's article mom, author and positive discipline educator Rebecca Eanes shares all about creating a highly effective calm down corner, and answers your frequently asked questions about it. Here, take a look!
Our featured masterclass this week is the Reducing Negative Thinking Masterclass with Dr. Tamar Chansky based on her book Freeing Your Child from Negative Thinking: Powerful, Practical Strategies to Build a Lifetime of Resilience, Flexibility, and Happiness.
Dr. Chansky is a psychologist and author who is passionate about helping kids, parents and other adults pursue the lives that they want to lead, free from the obstacles of anxiety, pessimism, and OCD.
In this masterclass Dr. Tamar shares with us:
What negativity can look like at different ages and stages;
How to cultivate a more optimistic household;
A four-step plan for helping your child work through and past negative thought patterns
and so much more.
If your child seems to often dwell on the “bad” aspects of their life, or if you worry that your child’s life is too stressful, or if you don’t know how to react when your child is feeling down, sad, or a bit depressed, this masterclass is for you!
🌟 Don't Want to Be a Member?Watch Just This Masterclass! (This non-renewing 1-week pass allows you to watch this featured masterclass, or download the audio version to listen while commuting, exercising or doing chores!)
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Alright, that's it for today. Until next time, go be thebestparent, andthebestperson you can be!
Talk soon, Sumitha
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