50 Things You Can Do To Make Your Kids Street Smart
Imagine you are at Disneyland, Sea World or the county fair. You're in line to grab some chow.
You've made friends with the wonderful family in front of you and you're happily chatting when you notice... one of your kids is missing.
Wasn't he right there with you as you got into the line? Have you actually lost a child?
Slowly a cold knot starts to form in your stomach.
The important question here is this: When your child realizes he is lost, does he know what to do?
It's just a hypothetical situation and won't happen in real life for 99.99% of us.
Yet, your answer is important, because it addresses something bigger -
Is your child street smart enough to handle an unfamiliar situation?
Chance Maddox has put together a wonderful article for us today that includes a list of things we can do to improve our kids' chances of handing such unexpected situations without panicking. The list is broken by age, and beautifully crafted with the goal of increasing awareness, without inducing paranoia (super important 👍).
Here take a look to see how many of these you already do, and what's one or two new things you can try -
Alright, that's it for today. Until next time, go be thebestparent, andthebestperson you can be!
Talk soon, Sumitha
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