How to Stop Yelling at Children Once and for All + Renegade Parenting Masterclass
Hi there,
I used to be a chronic yeller.
It took me years to become the reasonably calm, peaceful mom I always wanted to be.
I still fall into old ways sometimes, but the "episodes" of yelling are mostly very short-lived now. And instead of devolving into nasty shouting matches, it ends in a quick retreat and some quiet time, followed by apologies and problem solving.
I don't know where you are in this journey to becoming scream-free, but I want to tell you that if you stick with it, you'll get there. Jennifer, another mom on a similar journey shares her story and tips with us today. I hope you find it as heart-warming, inspiring and helpful as I did!
Our featured masterclass this week is the Renegade Parenting Masterclass with Heather Shumaker based on the book It's OK Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Kids.
Heather is a national speaker on early childhood topics and the author of two books of renegade parenting: "It’s OK Not to Share" and "It’s OK to Go Up the Slide". She’s an advocate for free play and no homework for young children and has been featured on NPR and other media. Heather is a graduate of Swarthmore College (BA) and University of Wisconsin-Madison (MS) and the mother of two children. She hosts a blog and the podcast Renegade Rules.
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🆕 Want More Quick Tips and a Few Chuckles?
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Alright, that's it for today. Until next time, go be thebestparent, andthebestperson you can be!
Talk soon, Sumitha
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