You won’t get an opportunity like this again until we open the doors in another year. And do you really want to spend another year mired in nagging, arguing, pleading, tantrums and shouting matches?
I hope not!
But I know: It’s not a tiny investment. It takes some thinking.
So, let me see if I can help put this into some perspective for you:
In the Free Training video I talked about the hidden costs of continuing on a path of constant conflict.
Costs like ordering takeout meals because the nightly battle over homework on top of all your other responsibilities has left you too drained to even figure out what to cook, let alone cook it!
Costs of ruined family vacations that you spent thousands of dollars on.
Or more serious costs like therapy bills because the constant fighting and disconnection is taking its toll.
So while it feels like a big investment, it will more than pay for itself in no time, plus save you a ton in the long run!
Can you keep waiting to see the transformation in your family?
>> Can you keep waiting for that moment when your child has their next world-ending meltdown, and it doesn’t freak you out or trigger you. (Because you know how to calmly and lovingly help them through it!)
>> Can you keep waiting for that proud-parent moment when your child is able to handle their “big emotions” by themselves, and respond with maturity and empathy that leaves tears in your eyes!
>> Can a strong, trusting, love-filled relationship with your child - where they know they can always come to you if they are in trouble & share anything with you (even as they grow older) - keep waiting?
>> Can peaceful, stress-free bath time / bedtime / breakfast-time / study time with your child wait?
>> Can showing up as a calm, confident, positive parent wait?
>> Can tackling the next stage of parenting as your child grows up, with the confidence that your relationship with your child will only grow stronger with time wait?
Because if you’re DONE waiting, the time to act is NOW.
Leap in to get the expert guidance you need, to become the parent you’ve always wanted to be. There's less than 6 hours left as I send this!
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