How to Handle the “I Hate School” Declarations + Executive Skills Masterclass
Hey there,
How's the start of the school year treating you? Do your kids love going to school, hate it, or somewhere in the middle?
I've been on all sides of this one!
My daughter occasionally complains about school, but for the most part, she's ok with it.
For a while after covid though, when she returned to in-person school after a year and half of virtual school, she was declaring "I Hate School" every single day.
It was not a fun time! Thankfully, she got over it. I can't imagine what it must be like for kids who can't get over it that easily.Is there anything we parents can do to help?
In today's article, Jennifer Poindexter brings us some great insights from her journey of helping her son go from "I hate school" to learning to love it. It's chock full of fantastic tips! Check it out -
Our featured masterclass this week is the Executive Skills Masterclass with Dr. Peg Dawson based on the book The Smart but Scattered Guide to Success: How to Use Your Brain's Executive Skills to Keep Up, Stay Calm, and Get Organized at Work and at Home.
Dr. Dawson has worked as a school psychologist for 16+ years and is the Lifetime Achievement Award winner for the National Association of School Psychologists.
In this masterclass Dr. Peg shares with us:
what Executive Skills are
their role in helping us become successful
and how we can help our kids build these executive skills.
This is a great masterclass for allparents as Dr. Dawson helps us view a lot of the annoying or frustrating behavior from our kids (laziness, inability to follow routines, chores, and more) from the completely new "executive skills" lens!
🆕Don't Want to Be a Member?Watch Just This Masterclass! (This non-renewing 1-week pass allows you to watch this featured masterclass, or download the audio version to listen while commuting, exercising or doing chores!)
Alright, that's it for today. Until next time, go be thebestparent, andthebestperson you can be!
Talk soon, Sumitha
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