🍂 Is the 75% OFF AFineParent Academy Thanksgiving BOGO Special Right For You?
We're just days away from our Special Thanksgiving BOGO Sale!
And you’re probably all in a tizzy now, wondering if the Academy is really the indispensable parenting support you need.
Let me start by saying this: we’ve made it a 100% RISK-FREE decision for you!
More about that in a bit. For now, back to your concerns -- Is the Academy the right choice for you?
Now obviously, I can’t make the decision for you. Or tell you what’s right for your family.
So I'll share how it has helped 1000’s of “almost-in-breakdown-lane” parents who have already joined us and have transformed their parenting!
Like Coralie who emailed us saying:
I have avoided meltdowns in just a few days by applying just two of the many techniques shared. I even managed to diffuse the kids’ “sibling fights” with just a simple conversation. We all moved on and were calm in less than a minute. Thank you so much!
- Coralie G.
Or Vasagie, who loves the support she gets on live expert calls that offer practical solutions for REAL, everyday parenting struggles.
All the questions on today’s call initially seemed so problematic. But Heather (our expert for the call) immediately had so many thoughts and ideas to share. Somehow the problems didn't seem so insurmountable anymore.
- Vasagie P.
Or Catherine, who found a wonderful sense of community and belonging
Thank you for creating this community. It's like I've arrived in a village and known -this- is where I belong.
-Catherine K.
Or Merel, a professionally trained child psychologist who finds the Academy invaluable
As a mum myself and in my work as a child psychologist, the Academy has been invaluable and very inspiring for me. I’ve learned so much from all the masterclasses and expert calls and I love the way you lead those. A big heartfelt thank you from me! 🙏
- Merel D.
Or Kristina, who found out how comprehensive and broad our collection of masterclasses is
I received an email from another site about a masterclass that sounded like something I would really want to listen to. I thought I'd check the academy and sure enough, there is already a masterclass there with the same expert. A similar thing happened a couple of months ago too. I am so thrilled with the Academy! THANK YOU!!
- Kristina M.
Or Lea, who found empowerment in our "surprise bonus" guided meditations
I just listened to the guided meditation: letting go of anxiety. It was very helpful. It made me feel powerful, like I had control over how to react to my anxious thoughts. Thank you!
Or Tara, Kiri and Stacy (among so many others!) who've had such incredible #LittleVictories
I’ve been working to stay calm through all of my kiddo’s feelings, even when it seems to be personal. Our connection has built up over the summer and her aggression and meltdowns have decreased SO much! #LittleVictories
- Tara K.
We've had two years of "I hate school," after our district went back to in-person. My #LittleVictories is my daughter now willingly goes to school without a meltdown every morning. She no longer has a designated adult to meet her at the door, and she tells me how much she loves her teachers.
- Kiri A.
I've noticed a distinct change in how my 11 year old handles situations that upset him and I think it's all due to the peaceful way I approach things now. We talk and ask questions instead of threaten with punishments and it's really made a difference. #littlevictory
- Stacy E.
I could go on for pages and pages!
If these comments and messages sound like the kind of transformation you dream of…
Then, joining the AFineParent Academy will be one of your BEST decisions ever.
AND you have nothing to lose!
We’ve made joining the Academy 100% RISK-FREE for you!
(That’s on top of our “Buy 1 Year, Get 1 Year FREE” + “Get Our Old Legacy Price” specials)
Try it out for 30 days!
If you feel like it’s not helpful to you (or your specific parenting struggles), just email us within 30 days and we will give you 100% of your money back.
Yes, all of it. Immediately. No questions asked.
Can it get any easier to decide?
Stay tuned for the official launch on Friday, November 24—this is an extremely limited time opportunity you don't want to miss!
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