In this training, you'll discover how to effectively deal with rudeness, back talk, sass and other triggering behaviors by focusing on:
The real reason why common discipline methods haven’t been working for you (and others), and the only solution that is actually effective (backed by research)
3 powerful tools to finally end the rudeness, back talk and other challenging behavior from your kids—once and for all
How to stop feeling constantly like a deer in the headlights—and own your parenting
You are taking an amazing step forward in making positive changes in your family that will help you stop unsavory behavior, raise remarkable kids, and become a calm confident parent!
As fellow busy parents, we know how easy it is for things to fall through the cracks.
Here at AFP, any time something absolutely needs to get done, we have a simple rule: do it right away!
In case we absolutely can't, we use two time-tested lifehacks:
Add it immediately to our to-do list, and
Add a deadline on it.
We recommend using these lifehacks with this training as well!
It is packed to the gills with powerful insights, step-by-step details of 3 highly effective tools you can use immediately, and scripts that can completely transform your parenting.
BUT, you need to watch it first!
To make sure this happens, we've already done #2 for you by adding a deadline on the free training pass.
(Don't worry, it's not a crazy tight deadline. You have 3 FULL days to watch the training at your convenience!)
And now it's on you to do #1. So, either start watching right away, or add it to your TO-DO list so it doesn't fall through the cracks!
I'm so excited for you!
I'll see you in the training, Sumitha
P.S.: Here's what one of the moms in our community had to say:
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